AIBrain opens its office in Berlin
May 1, 2018 – Menlo Park, CA
AIBrain, Inc. today announced the opening of its new offices in Berlin, Germany to open its European market. AIBrian AG will be the main sales, marketing, and R&D office for EMEA.
“We are very excited and proud of our expansion in setting up our office in Berlin,” said, Dr. Richard Shinn, Founder & CEO of AIBrain. “Berlin has been center of very progressive culture and we want to maximize our leverage with the out of the box thinking that is happening in Berlin as well as through out Europe.”
AIBrain AG has been in operation since April of 2018 and is looking to build strong partnerships in technology and product distribution. AIBrain will also be hiring top talents in Europe to continue in building a strong AI development team globally.
“We are moving aggressively to pick the top talents to support all of the developments that are happening at AIBrain,” said John Seo, President & COO.
AIBrain now has four locations around the world with corporate HQ office in Menlo Park, CA. Seoul, Shenzhen, and Berlin.
About AIBrain AG
Founded in 2012, AIBrain is an artificial intelligence company with the goal of building fully autonomous AI by unifying the three essential aspects of intelligence, namely Problem Solving, Learning, and Memory. AIBrain delivers the full autonomy based on its breakthrough technologies: AICoRE (Adaptive Interactive Cognitive Reasoner), a fully autonomous cognitive AI & Memory Graph, AI memory encompassing both episodic and semantic knowledge. www.aibrain.com