Turing AI School 4.1 with Dalian American International School, China
AIBrain conducted another TAIS program this time with high-schoolers, for a longer period and delve deeper into the practical application of Artificial Intelligence in various fields.
The workshop that lasted for 4 days covered topics from Introduction to AI with practical use cases, to building robots by students who this time had more female students attending and taking the lead. The application of Ai in music, natural language understanding including sentence emotion recognition, game AI and introduction to networked devices in an IoT environment through iRSP were experienced.
TAIS aims to not only teach but mentor and let participants have real hands-on-practice with AI technologies and take away tangible skills that can be explored to build interest and future careers to them. The program is offered offline in schools or small groups and will soon be be launched online through some of the popular learning management system platforms.
Get in touch with us to experience the vast AI knowledge and practicals we offer here at AIBrain.
Thank you very much.
Wilfred Odoyo
AI instructor and mentor.
3rd Turing AI School Program (TAIS)
16th to 19th Dec 2019
at SNU seoul .
About AIBrain, Inc.
Founded in 2012, AIBrain is an artificial intelligence company with the goal of building fully autonomous AI by unifying the three essential aspects of intelligence, namely Problem Solving, Learning, and Memory. AIBrain delivers the full autonomy based on its breakthrough technologies: AICoRE (Adaptive Interactive Cognitive Reasoner), a fully autonomous cognitive AI & Memory Graph, AI memory encompassing both episodic and semantic knowledge. www.aibrain.com